Putting our own special touches to the decor in our school while sparking creativity gets us in the holiday spirit. To set this invitation we placed @colorations.artoflearning BioColor® Metallic Paint in our 6 paint jar strips + paint brushes from @discountschoolsupply and thrifted holiday wreath. The children were invited to paint the wreath to add their magic touch.

All mediums & canvases of art support creativity to come naturally to all children because they encourage freedom of art expression. When it comes to young children art is much more about the process than the end result. When young children are given opportunities to experiment with art on different canvases such as this wreath, there are endless benefits and so much fun!
The sensory process with the paint + the 3-D Canvas with so many grooves/textures allows them to explore different techniques. They learn, explore, & experiment about color theory when mixing + creating new colors. And all this painting helps with the development of #handeyecoordination, strengthening the finger & hand muscles, & full body movement as they maneuver their body to paint the wreath.
