A while back visiting the Chabot Space & Science we saw spherical glass containers filled with a special fluid that when supn visually demonstrates the concept of turbulent flows on planets. These exhibits illustrate how fluids behave under different movement conditions similar to weather patterns on planets. Essentially it's a spinning globe that shows chaotic fluid movements. Since we will be learning & exploring more about science this month, it was the perfect time to finally create an invitation where they can learn & explore more about space.

To create our very own Turbulent Orbs & Jovian Cloud Tops sensory bottles we took recycled water bottles filled them with water + Colorations Metallic & Fluorescent Bio Color paint then we added star confetti/glitter/ribbons/flatmarbles/acrylic gems to the mixture. Before inviting the children to come we had a discussion about what they are, where they are, how they are formed, took guesses at what planets had them, along with looking at pictures.
Next we invited the children to come explore the sensory bottles on the light table. Light Tables are wonderful for exploring the play of light, shadow, color, & transparency. Their unique nature can add a magical engaging element to child's play & further encourage curiosity, exploration, & problem-solving.
Providing young children with materials & situations that encourage them to actively investigate & discover scientific concepts, by asking questions, observing, & experimenting, fosters curiosity about the world & beyond all while establishing a love for learning through hands-on exploration that continuously fills them with wonder.
