The colors of the holidays sure light up the magic of the season. This invitation is a fun way to explore color and science plus end it with some fun sensory play.

To set this invitation you will need clear or white cups. First pour water into the cups and add Colorations Liquid WaterColors. You can place these fun lights from the Dollar Tree to be a point of reference to match the colors that will form. Next pour a tablespoon of Steve Spanglers Insta Snow into the cup and watch the magic unfold.

The science behind. Insta-Snow works by using a superabsorbent polymer, primarily sodium polyacrylate, which rapidly expands when mixed with water, essentially acting like tiny sponges that soak up the water and dramatically increase in volume, creating a fluffy snow-like appearance; this process is driven by osmosis, where water molecules move from a high concentration area (the water) to a low concentration area (within the polymer chains), causing them to swell and separate, resembling snowflakes.
After creating all of the beautiful colors let the children mix, pour, and play with the colorful snow!