Comfy Corner// Children need a place they can retreat to when they need to think, rest, or just decompress. Comfy corners give children a safe place to calm down and relax. This is a great start to instill independent doable self regulation practices.

When Discount School Supply #gifted Children’s Factory As We Grow™ Sofa, Blue, it was the perfect push to transition to create a comfy corner in his room. Typically in a comfy corner whether it is in a Early Child Hood Classroom, Bedroom, or Playroom the goal is to make it as inviting as possible. With soft materials, calming colors, books, plush items, and plants it instantly relaxes a child.
My number one go to in a comfy corner is placing books in basket and on display. A couple of months ago @polishedplayhouse inspired me to get a plate holder to display books. Every couple of weeks I rotate the books in the plate holder to align with any interests, topics, celebrations, or themes. This way comfy corner serves a double duty as a reading area that encourages exposure to books and also provides a child to utilize the area as somewhere they can self regulate emotions, play, or simply decompress.
When emotions are in full effect aka tantrum central, providing a safe space for a child to “come back to down earth” will empower the child to be able to regulate their emotions. This comfy corner provides children to focus and wind down, teaching them to take time in a quiet space to deal and work through their feelings, appreciate relaxation, and gives them a skill they can benefit from now and in the future.