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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 29, 20201 min read
Invitation to Paint with Flowers
Simply go on a walk or your yard and grab a couple of flowers. We found these wild daises growing wild in a field. Provide your child...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 28, 20201 min read
Invitation to Paint with Rubber Bands
Take a baking tray, place a sheet of paper, then take 3-6 rubber-bands and place them around the baking tray. If your child is old enough...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 27, 20201 min read
Invitation to Paint on Ice
Freeze ice in Tupperware or ice trays. Place the ice in a sensory bin, baking tray, or bowl. Provide your child with liquid water colors,...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 25, 20201 min read
Invitation to Paint on Paper Towels
Provide your child with paper towels as a canvas. You can have them paint with droppers or paintbrushes. Place liquid water colors or...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 22, 20201 min read
Sticks and Play-Dough
You can make home made play dough as a cooking activity ahead of time. Go on a walk or in your yard. Forage sticks. Set up a this...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 20, 20201 min read
Peeling Tape
This fine motor skill enhancement invitation can be done in two ways! 1)Toy Rescue. Tape toys down on a table, floor, play mat, or...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 20, 20201 min read
Scissor Skills Busy Basket
Providing your child with lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills strengthens their muscles in the hands and prepares...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 20, 20201 min read
Water Bead Transfer
In a sensory bin provide water beads. Have your child transfer the water beads either with their hands, tongs, tweezers, handy scoopers,...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 20, 20201 min read
Pouring Station
In a sensory bin, bathtub, sink, or kiddie pool have your child pour and measure a sensory material (water, beans, rice, pasta,...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 20, 20201 min read
Painting the Fence with Water
Provide your child with a bucket, cup, or bowl full of water. Next provide them with a paintbrush and/or roller brushes and let them...
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Yasmeen Kamrani Sallam
May 17, 20201 min read
Laundry Basket Rescue Mission
Laundry Basket Rescue Mission: It is a simple set up and keeps little ones busy for a good chunk of time. You Need: Laundry Basket, Yarn...
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